orion state of charge meter display with datalogging


Orion BMS SOC Meter w/ Data Logging

Sale price$247.00


The Data Logging Display module for the Original and the 02 Orion BMS / Orion Jr. BMS (CAN version only) provides visual feedback of the essential information on a battery pack as well as data logging capabilities for diagnostics. This display and logging combo connects to an Orion BMS unit via CAN (Controller Area Network) and logs data to a memory card while displaying State of Charge, Power Limited (reduced output power), and the Malfunction Indicator Status (error indicator).

Quick Specifications:

Operates with the Original and the 02 Orion BMS and Orion Jr. BMS (CAN version only) from Ewert Energy Systems (BMS sold separately)
Full automotive operating temperature range (-40C to 80C)
Logs BMS parameters to memory card at user selectable sampling rate
Able to log both individual cell voltages as well as general BMS parameters
Compact size and shape
Connects to the Orion BMS via CAN (no analog connections)
External "event trigger" input which can flag events for future review
Log graphing and analysis software
Real time clock to store data and time of each charge / discharge cycle
Supports CAN frequencies of 125, 250, 500Kbps, and 1 Mbps
User customizable logging frequency from 100mS to 10 seconds
