EV Source LLC Policies

This page lists our sales and product policies. If you have a question that isn't answered here, please ask us!

Payment Methods

We are proud to offer Paypal as our primary payment method. This is a convenient service that allows you to pay with your credit card or bank account. After all items have been added to the shopping cart, click the "Secure Checkout" button. You will be directed to Paypal's secure servers, where you can enter in your credit or bank card information.

We are also happy to accept personal checks, money orders, and wire transfers. Wire transfers will be assessed a $30 fee. Please do not send cash in the mail. Checks must clear before the items will be shipped. This usually takes 2-3 business days. Money order payments will be processed immediately upon receipt.

Order Fulfillment

Items that are in stock and ordered before 2pm MST Monday through Friday will ship that day. Orders that are placed over the weekend will be shipped on Monday.

Stock quantities shown on the website under each product are usually accurate. However, in some instances, mistakes occur and the actual quantity on hand differs from what is shown on the website. When product is not in stock, we will make every effort possible to get the units in hand and shipped. Occasionally estimates shown on the website for lead times get outdated. While we will strive to eliminate such errors, we will not be held liable for mistakes in estimated lead times.

Our goal is to ship out product within 24 hours of receiving an order. In some circumstances, this is not possible due to the high demand of electric vehicle components which results in long lead times with some manufacturers. Refunds requested for items that have not yet shipped will be processed within 1-2 days of the refund request if the request is received within 60 days of the order being placed. In this case, the refund will be made in the same way payment was made - credit card orders will have the money returned to the same card, and orders paid by check or money order will be refunded with a check. In cases where the refund is requested after 60 days of placing the order, a 2% fee will be deducted from the amount, and the refund will come in the form of a check. Allow up to 3 weeks to receive the refund check.

Returns (for items already shipped)

We will be glad to accept returns up to 30 days after you receive the product. Shipping/handling fees, however, will not be refunded. Please observe the following guidelines for returns:

  • Items *must* be returned in original packaging and carton with all manuals and parts intact (where applicable)
  • Controllers, Batteries and Chargers must not have been electrically connected or used.
  • A pre-authorization must be obtained for items over $100: Please e-mail sales@evsource.com for authorization. All returns authorized within 30 days can be returned without penalty of a restocking fee. Returns authorized after 30 days are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Returns will not be authorized after 60 days from the initial date of purchase. Items over $100 returned without authorization will be assessed a 25% restocking fee.
  • All items are subject to inspection before a refund is issued. Any modifications or alterations will cause a denial of refund, in which case the item will be returned upon receipt of payment for applicable return shipping charges.
Terms of returns and refunds are subject to change without notice, and are ultimately at the discretion of EV Source. Returns can be refused for any reason.


Controller, Charger, and Motor warranties will be handled by the manufacturer. If you have any question about your warranty, please feel free to contact us. We will advise on how to proceed with any warranty claim.

All other items sold by EV Source LLC come with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee, unless otherwise stated in the product's sale details.

Limitation of Liability

The essential purpose of this provision is to limit seller’s liability hereunder.

Under no circumstances will seller, its employees, officers or directors, agents, successors or assigns be liable to anyone under any product order, schedule or terms and conditions herein under any contract, strict liability, tort (including negligence) or other legal or equitable theory, whether or not foreseeable or foreseen, for: (a) business interruption costs, cost of rework, retesting, procurement of substitute goods, removal and reinstallation of goods; or (b) any special, incidental, exemplary, indirect or consequential damages, including without limitation loss of life, bodily injury, lost profits, litigation costs, loss of data, production or profit, goodwill, loss of revenue, or loss of units; regardless of whether seller has been advised of the possibility of such damages, there is a total and fundamental breach of this agreement or whether any remedy provided herein fails of its essential purpose.

The limit of liability for any claims shall not exceed the amount paid or prepaid on account by buyer for the goods giving rise to such claims. Buyer shall be deemed to assume all liability for any and all damages arising from or in connection with the use or misuse of the goods by buyer, its employees, customers and others.

Seller shall not be liable for and buyer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold seller harmless from any claims based on seller’s compliance with buyer’s designs, specifications or instructions, or modification of any goods by parties other than seller or manufacturer, or use in combination with other products.