replacement brushes for netgain warp 11 dc electric motor

Netgain Motors

NGM Motor Replacement Brushes

Sale price$263.00
Variant:Replacement Brushes A


Replacement Brushes A - These brushes are compatible with WarP 9, TransWarP 9, Impulse 9, TransPulse 9 and WarP 11 HV.

Replacement Brushes B - These brushes are compatible with the WarP 11 and TransWarP 11.


New brush composition: Handles higher voltages and currents – improves motor efficiency. The new brush composition was developed by Helwig-Carbon specifically for use in WarP Motors™ and replaces formulations that were typically used for fork-lift applications. New brush design: “split brushes with pad” design handles higher voltages and currents – improves motor efficiency. These new brushes are being radius-ed by the manufacturer and will also provide quicker “seating”, quieter operation, and reduced arcing.